I started this current craze just before Australia day 2012. Or at least that's when I started doing things.
I went to a local aquarium, lovely place, told them "I have a tank, some money, and I want fish. What do I need?"
I then left the local aquarium with a filter, a 100W heater, 2 plants, a small Chinese lantern decoration, a water conditioning kit, and some gravel.
However, when I said "I have a tank", I really meant "I
own a tank". But it wasn't anywhere I could make use of it at the time.
So I had to wait till Australia day when I met up with my parents cousins and grandparents for a lovely BBQ. There I picked up the tank and upon returning home prepared it for it's future inhabitants.
After a good hour or so I had a pretty little 36L tank floored with gravel, with 2 plastic plants sitting either side of the Chinese lantern. Filter was attached and running.
Now I waited. Oh how I wanted some fish straight away, but the guy at the aquarium, who I would be willing to bet knew more about fish than I, suggested waiting 5 days or so before adding any fish, to let the tank settle.
Me being my wonderful patient self went back to the aquarium exactly 5 days later to pick up some fish, and promptly forgot that I should perhaps pay attention to what genders the fish were.
I left shortly afterward with a pH testing and correcting kit, some fish flakes, algae tablets and 5 new little fishy friends.
Red wagtail platy, red betta, golden swordtail, black balloon molly, and a tiny little 2.5cm bristlenose pleco. Cutest little guy ever.
So I got home, put them into my tank. I'd read up how to do this, 'cause I'm wonderfully prepared when it comes to these things. Put the bag floating in the water for 20 mins, trying to slowly acclimatise them to the water by tipping bits of the tank water in... and then upended the bags into the aquarium, gently of course.
It was only later that day that I remembered seeing "don't let the water from the bags get into your aquarium"... Whoops.
Too late now.
Well here's some pics of the little guys, as best as I could take in the first few days. They're still quite shy, though getting better.
My tank setup.
Red Betta (Siamese Fighter) - Bruce
Balloon Molly - Gus
Bristlenose Pleco (Sucker Catfish) - Alan
Left: Red Wagtail Platy - Will, Right: Golden Swordtail - Bob
So, now we're all acquainted, on with the happenings.
The first fish to become settled and curious about it's new surrounding was Bruce (Fighter), but even he took a day before that. By then end of the second day most were happy and exploring. I then noticed some odd behaviour between Will and Bob. Bob would curve himself toward Will in a strange manner and then Will would dart off. Now Bob is obviously a male swordtail as the females don't grow the sword. So I took this to mean that he was trying to mate with Will... So Will isn't a guy and shouldn't be called Will. Hmm...
Later though I see Will(ette?) doing the same thing to Bob, so maybe I'm wrong, or maybe Will(hemina?) is getting into this whole "let's have babies" thing. I looked up on forums and found out that indeed Platies and Swordtails can produce viable offspring.
This morning I discovered poor little Alan was looking a little pale and colourless. So I went off to better equip the tank. Picked up a gravel-vac, a small net so I would transfer fish in a better manner in future, and a new plant that would provide better hiding places. I also left with some advice. Clean out the tank a little more often for about 3 weeks, and if problem persists, check nitrite/nitrate levels. Though I'm confident Alan will be back to normal in a few days if I keep cleaning out the tank regularly. I was also shown the difference between male and female platies, so a new assessment tells me that Will
is a male, and they are just trying to assert dominance over each other. (Maybe Bob, mistook Will for a female swordtail at the beginning, but he won't make that mistake again I'm sure.)
I got home and probably nearly scared the fish half to death in the attempt to do a partial water replacement... But I think I did alright, I saw in the bucket that the water had gotten a bit dirty so this was probably a good idea.
None of the fish have yet ventured into the new plant, but I reckon they will by tomorrow night at the latest.
New tank setup
So I'm learning slowly. If money were not an object then I might be doing more to look after them, but I think that this ought to be acceptable for a while.